Campus Connect

We at the JK Files are always on the lookout for exceptional talent to complement our team. We recruit talented individuals from the best business schools in the country for the JK Files Young Leadership Program. The program has been designed especially for high performing business school graduates. It provides an accelerated development plan with an objective to facilitate learning and rapid growth of these associates through the organization. We provide an opportunity for them to gear up for a leadership journey from the moment they start their careers at JK Files. It is a journey with well-defined milestones, structured learning across strategic functions and a platform to showcase their leadership potential.

Senior Management Trainees

The SMT hiring Program at JK Files is launched with an objective to integrate fresh MBA graduates across the functions. We hire people from top management institutes in India. An exclusive three week induction and on-boarding program is laid out to equip them with the necessary skills required to maximize their contribution to the organization. It is a blend of technical, functional & soft skills training with a structured check back mechanism to monitor and review their performance before final placement. This program infuses fresh talent into theteams year on year, and helps in building a strong talent pool across the verticals.

Graduate Engineer Trainees

Graduate Engineer Trainee program has been instrumental in strengthening the talent pool in manufacturing and allied domains at JK Files. We hire the best talent from renowned engineering colleges and put them through a robust training and on boarding process before they are assigned a project. Our group mentorship program helps the Graduate Engineer Trainees to get directional support in their career advancement and in getting accustomed to the culture of the organization.Our high-performing GETs are included in top talent development journeys and groomed for future leadership roles in the organization.