Core Values

Positive Outlook

Act Positive

Speak Positive

Think Positive

  • I shall display high energy & speak optimistically about the current & future.
  • I share success stories and recognise efforts and results.

Respect & Transparency

Respect and Trust One Another

Respect Other’s Time

Be Upfront and Encourage Open Conversations

  • I respect the dignity of every person and every role.
  • I am courteous in the language I use, the tone of speech or how I interact.
  • I shall genuinely try to uphold the trust bestowed on me by others.
  • I shall be punctual to meetings.
  • I shall convey my attendance / non-attendance for meetings beforehand.
  • I shall at any cost respond to all the mail communication sent to me.
  • I shall respond to agreed deadlines on time or request for additional time / data, if required.
  • I shall communicate openly with others with due sensitivity to confidentiality.
  • I shall avoid gossip and discourage others from doing the same.
  • I shall ask for & seek clarity where it is essential to my role & performance.

Communication & Execution Effectiveness

Decide, Debate, Agree and Execute

Listen – Understand – Act

No Negotiation on Commitment

  • I shall discuss and debate with an intention to solve the problem at hand and not blame or judge others.
  • Once I am part of a decision making process, I shall stand by it & execute.
  • I shall listen to understand.
  • I allow others to participate and encourage quality discussions before drawing conclusions.
  • I shall demonstrate commitment towards my goals at all times.
  • I shall actively seek support wherever required in order to meet my commitments/goals.
  • I shall encourage colleagues to adhere to their commitments and support them as much as I can.

Performance Orientation

Have a Sense of Urgency to Meet Customer Needs

Demonstrate Zero Tolerance for Non-Performance

  • I shall satisfy the needs of my internal and external customers.
  • I shall be open to give and receive feedback on the quality of my work from my customers in order to improve & deliver results.
  • I shall prioritise customer needs and respond with a sense of urgency and speed as committed.
  • I shall review my goals and achievements on a regular basis.
  • I shall actively seek feedback from my HOD, peers, subordinates & customers (team around me) on how to improve my performance.
  • I shall communicate organisation goals to my team.
  • I shall acknowledge good performance and provide candid feedback on non-performance.
  • I shall ensure that my team knows about their performance levels at all times.

At Raymond we believe in achieving excellence in all we do. Be it crafting world class quality products, implementing best industry practices or delivering delightful service experience, the quest for excellence is integral to Raymond.

An iconic brand that has been at the helm of innovations, Raymond has always been recognized for its high quality product offerings. The testimony to Raymond’s success is its loyal consumer base spanning across domestic & international markets.

Having stayed relevant for over nine decades, the trust bestowed on us by our consumers has enabled Raymond to become an iconic brand. Being India’s most trusted textile & apparel brand in the country, we believe that conduct business in a fair, transparent and ethical manner is pivotal in building strong relationships.