Life @ JK

Rewards and Awards

Abhinandan was formulated to inculcate a culture of appreciation, foster an attitude which encourages constant improvement in efforts, recognize the results and demonstrate success parameters which are appreciated by the business. Abhinandanconsists of various programs each designed to recognize initiatives which were undertaken by the employees to enhance profitability and sustainability of the business processes and exemplary plant characteristics which are aimed at demonstrating manufacturing excellence.

We also believe in appreciating the people who could not directly contribute to the revenues but are madly in love with their work. Such employees are awarded with “U- MAD” – yoUMadeADifference. At JK Files, we believe in equality for all categories of employees and treat them equally when it comes to appreciation as well. There are awards like ‘Employee of the Month’, ‘Champion of the Month’, ‘Best Attendance’ and many more for non-management staff.

Raymond Excellence Awards

Raymond Excellence Awardsevent is held once every year to recognize employees, teams and initiatives across businesses who go above and beyond their scope of work and contribute to the business. It is a platform which recognizes young talent, ideas,cost-saving initiatives, best team performances, most valued contributors and best plant operations.

Safety Week
